For the software part of the robot I want to use Debian as the Operative System, and then a lot of packages in order to make other things. Currently my computer have the following packages installed:
# install the basic Debian software, with no packages # First of all update the packages apt-get update apt-get upgrade # para ayudarnos con busqueda de hardware (lspci) apt-get install pciutils # gestion de frequencia del procesador (para reducir consumo) apt-get install cpufrequtils # configuracion de la wifi (iwconfig, iwlist...) apt-get install wireless-tools # instalar aumix para gestionar volumen audio apt-get install aumix # beep para poder hacer pitiditos apt-get install beep # Instalamos el ssh para poder controlarlo apt-get install ssh # un servidor web ligerito apt-get install lighttpd # festival para poder decir cosas apt-get install festival # sphinx2 para reconocimiento de voz apt-get install sphinx2-bin # compilador (a mi me gusta C para programar) apt-get install gcc libc6-dev # otras herramientas de programación apt-get install make # herramienta para que camara sea webcam (es una opcion) apt-get install webcam-server mkdir /var/www/cam cat >/var/www/cam/index.html <<EOF <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Robot Video Cam</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <APPLET code="WebCamApplet.class" archive="/cam/applet.jar" width="320" height="240"> <param name=URL value="http://diripservidor:8888/"> <param name=FPS value="5"> <param name=width value="320"> <param name=height value="240"> </APPLET> </BODY></HTML> EOF cp /usr/share/doc/webcam-server/applet/applet.jar /var/www/cam/ # NOTA: NO OLVIDEIS PONER diripservidor BIEN # para arrancar el servidor ejecutariamos "webcam-server -s" # consume bastante CPU!!! # Otra aplicacion de captura de video apt-get install streamer # con "streamer -o /tmp/pantalla.ppm" podriamos grabar una imagen, o video... # some util applications apt-get install screen apt-get install vim # program to view graphics in SVGA apt-get install zgv # some programing languages that I don't use apt-get install perl apt-get install python apt-get install ruby apt-get install tcl8.4 apt-get install php5-cli # and CVS apt-get install cvs # Open Computer Vision library apt-get install libcv-dev opencv-doc apt-get install python-opencv # dpcp server (but disable it in runlevel 2) apt-get install dhcp3-server rm /etc/rc2.d/S40dhcp3-server # Voz en castellano para Festival (Silvia) cd /tmp wget dpkg -i festvox-sflpc16k_0.97.1_all.deb # Para ponerla por defecto editar /usr/share/festival/voices.scm y ponerla como la primera opcion # de default-voice-priority-list, deberia quedar: #(defvar default-voice-priority-list # '(JAndalucia_Indisys_MP_es_sf_diphone [...] # remove downloaded .deb files apt-get clean